Hidden Job Market In Australia
Research suggests that up to 70% of the jobs people get are through referrals, networking and cold calling.
These are the jobs found in ‘the hidden job market.’
Challenges with the Hidden job market in Australia
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What do you do if you don’t have any networks or friends who can refer you to jobs?
You need to go direct!
What does it mean? It means building a list of potential employers and starting a conversation with them.
When it comes to finding the names of hiring managers in the hidden job market, you need to be like a treasure hunter searching for hidden gems in the depths of the Congo. Nothing escapes your gaze!
You can’t rely on recruiters to find you work in the hidden job market. In fact, don’t wait around for a recruiter to call you.
You need to discover your own job leads to land that dream job. That’s the key to getting a job in the hidden job market.
And the best way to discover these “hidden gems” is in Australia’s Hidden Job Market.
Step 1 Hidden job market: Target List
Create a target list of the companies you want to work.
Next, use LinkedIn to search for the decision-makers at the companies you’re targeting. It’s best to identify the name or title of the person who would be your manager if you get the role. This will be the main person you need to contact. You may find multiple people with the same title at the company you’re targeting.
In cases like this, it is best to find two suitable prospective hiring managers to contact. Avoid contacting more than three people at the same company.
Step 2 Hidden job market: Making contact
Next, write a short and concise email to send each decision-maker from your target list.
If you are unsure of what to write, it may be best to read over ‘What are Australian employers looking for?’
Remember to personalise each email before you click send!
Avoid these mistakes when writing your email:
1. Asking for a job: Never ask for a job in your email. You need to ‘softly’ state that you are available for current or upcoming positions they may have.
2. Talking about yourself: Focus on what you can do for them. Think about how your skills/experience can add value to their team.
3. Sending a long email: Hiring managers don’t have time to read emails. Your email should be 2 – 3 short paragraphs with a bullet point list of your expertise.
4. Forgetting to attach your resume: Add a line at the end of your email ‘Please see attached for a copy of my resume for more information’.
5. Boring subject lines: Avoid boring subject lines ‘Looking for jobs’. You need to catch their attention!
Key tip: What do you do if you don’t know the contact person’s email or can’t find it?
Easy! All you need to do is search on Google for ’email hunters’ and you’ll get access to a few sites that can find email addresses.
Step 3 Hidden job market: Your network
In your job network, there may be other people who already work at the company you’re targeting. If so, you need to reach out to these people too. Ask if they can pass your resume on for review or perhaps send an intro email to you and the hiring manager.
The hunt is on
There are many more tactics for finding a job in Australia. It’s wise to be across all of them if you’re going to be the world’s greatest job hunter! For further advice on how to find jobs in the hidden job market in Australia, get in touch now.
Careers Team, Career Success Australia

Hi Naren.
My name is Neil. I was working as a Financial Controller in Pty Ltd. My position was made redundant due to internal restructuring. Since I was working with the same company for over 8 years, I am finding it very challenging as I am not sure where and how to start from when it comes to looking for a new role
Hi Neil thanks for the post. It sounds like you have 8 years’ of Australian experience in finance. The best starting point is to suss out what types of FC roles are being advertised on SEEK and LinkedIn. The market is good…but things could cool off around June before EOFY.
The risk I see is the employment gap – hopefully it’s not too big at the moment.
Start getting your resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile ready – as it’s time to start applying and networking! Feel free to send us a copy for a free review. We’ll give you feedback so you can incorporate and strengthen it.
Best wishes,
Naren @ ACECIS