Career Counselling & Coaching in Brisbane - Best Career Counsellor Services

Our Career Coaching & Career Counselling Services in Brisbane can help you get more job interviews and job offers 3x Faster! Join our Career Coaching and Career Counselling Services in Brisbane today!

Career Counselling in Brisbane
Career Coaching Brisbane

What are the Benefits of Career Coaching in Brisbane?

Career Coaching in Brisbane will help you get Hired Faster!

Our expert Career Coaches & Career Counsellors in Brisbane empower students, graduates and professionals by providing a solution-based Career Coaching strategy to help them reach their career goals. Our Career Coaching team in Brisbane offer a supportive environment and help you one-on-one to overcome your career barriers to secure more job interviews and job offers in your field. 

Did you know that you are more likely to get hired 3x faster with our Career Coaching and Career Counselling in Brisbane Services? 

Our Career Coaches & Counselors in Brisbane are leaders in their field. They provide you with expert knowledge in recruitment, current hiring practices, and hidden job market strategies to increase your chances of employment. Our Career Coaching and Career Counselling team also have access to 100+ job vacancies in their professional networks and can refer you to your next job in Brisbane. 

Why Choose Our Career Coaching & Career Counselling in Brisbane?

One-on-One Career Coaching in Brisbane

Keyword-Optimised Resume Writing

Access to the hidden job market in Brisbane

Experienced Career Coaching Brisbane Team

Achievement-Focused Cover Letters

Best Career Counselling Guidance

Access to our company referral network in Brisbane

100+ Customised Job Applications

Get Hired 3x Faster in Brisbane within 12 weeks

How Career Counselling & Career Coaching Helps to increase

Employment Opportunities in Brisbane

Brisbane's Best Career Counselling & Career Coaching Services

Standard Career Coaching

Our valuable 8-week Standard Career Coaching & Career Counselling Program provides you with the essential job seeking skills you need to gain confidence, secure job interviews, job offers and network with industry professionals.
New and Enhanced Resume, Cover Letter & LinkedIn Profile
8 weeks of High-Quality Career Coaching Support
Mon-Fri Email Support + 8 One-on-One Career Coaching Zoom sessions
30 Customised Job Applications
Up to 3 Interview Training sessions with Industry Experts
Extensive Job Searching & Networking Tactics
12-week Internship Industry Placement (if required)

Premium Career Coaching

The Premium Career Coaching Program offers you 16 weeks of one-on-one, comprehensive and customised career coaching which guarantees you secure your dream job faster.
New and Enhanced Resume, Cover Letter & LinkedIn Profile
16 weeks of High-Quality Career Coaching Support
Mon-Fri Email Support + 16 One-on-One Career Coaching Zoom sessions
100 Customised Job Applications
Up to 10 Interview Training sessions with Industry Experts
Personalised and Customised One-on-One Support from Australia's Leading Career Coaches
Extensive Job Searching & Networking Tactics
12-week Internship Industry Placement (if required)
Exclusive Access to Company Referrals for Job Interviews with the Top Companies in Your Industry

Meet the Brisbane Career Counselling & Coaching

Team of Experts

Naren Chellappah

Program Director

Naren is one of Australia’s most successful Career Coaches, having helped over 1,000 job seekers find employment. He has held leadership roles at Australia’s top universities including Monash, Swinburne and Melbourne University.

Langdon Rodda

Head Career Coach

Head Career Coach Langdon supports you one-on-one to help you secure employment in your chosen field. Langdon’s Career Coaching, Career Counselling and mentoring support can help you transition into meaningful employment quickly.

Pearl Doronila

Careers Advisor

Pearl is a HR & Recruitment Specialist with 10+ years of experience working with leading companies in end-to-end recruitment. Pearl supports her clients get jobs in a range of industries through personalised Career Coaching and Career Counselling.

Tracy Busse

Career Coach

Tracy is a HR Specialist and Career Mentor who has extensive experience in people and performance management. Tracy provides a nurturing environment and helps her clients one-on-one to achieve their career goals in Australia.

Companies Who Have Hired Our Career Coaching Clients

Hear from our experts

We understand how much time and effort it takes to find the right job. We have helped 5000+ jobseekers successfully secure employment in Australia through our Career Coaching & Career Counselling services. We have one of the largest networks of 2000+ companies with access to 4000+ jobs in Brisbane.

Naren Chellappah
Career Coaching & Career Counselling Program Director

Career Counselling & Coaching Client Success!

Career Coaching Brisbane
Thank you to Career Success Australia for helping me with my career as an Environmental Scientist. The personalised career coaching was wonderful and gave me the confidence to secure employment.

Erika Alvarez

Environmental Scientist, Brisbane

Career Success Australia Internships

Struggling to get a job in Brisbane?

The Ultimate Careers Guide 2024 will help you get your next job In Brisbane!

We Help You Get Into


Career Coaching for Jobs in Business:

  • Accounting
  • Finance
  • Business Intelligence
  • Human Resources
  • Marketing

Career Coaching for Information Technology Jobs:

  • Data Analytics
  • IT Support
  • Networking
  • Software
  • Web Development

Career Coaching for Engineering Jobs:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering

Career Coaching for Jobs in:

  • Media
  • Design
  • Law
  • Biotechnology
  • Environmental Science
  • General administration

Everything you need to know about Career Counselling & Coaching in Brisbane!

Career Coaching & Career Counselling – FAQs

Career Coaches or Career Counsellors empower students, graduates & professionals who need help to get employment. Career Coaching & Career Counselling in Brisbane will help you make strategic decisions when it comes to your career and finding the perfect job.

Career Counselling Services and Career Coaching Programs will help you understand your career goals and will provide you with a solution-oriented approach to getting job interviews and job offers in your desired field or industry.

Career Success Australia offer a range of Career Coaching & Career Counselling services throughout Brisbane to suit your career goals and budget.

When you enrol with Career Success Australia you receive one-on-one career counselling and coaching support from experienced career coaching experts who will guide you into your next job in Brisbane faster.

Our Career Coaching & Counselling programs and services in Brisbane are one-on-one. You receive mentoring, guidance and specialist career coaching support to help you every step of the way to getting your next job in Brisbane.

You will get weekly Career Coaching & Career Counselling consultations and Monday to Friday support from your Career Coach & Career Counsellor.

Your dedicated Career Coach will help you build your Master Resume, Cover Letter and will help you apply for jobs that you want.

Your Career Coach also trains you for job interviews and helps you get jobs in the hidden job market. The Premium Career Coaching program also includes direct referrals to top companies who are hiring staff in your industry.

Your Career Coach & Career Counsellor in Brisbane will be guiding you and providing the support you need to help you get a job as soon as possible.

Essentially, a Career Coach or Career Counsellor will guide you and help you secure employment. They provide you with comprehensive support, valuable tools, and effective tactics to secure job interviews and job offers.

Career Coaches and Career Counsellors in Brisbane have extensive knowledge and a wealth of experience helping people get jobs in a variety of industries.

An effective Career Coach in Brisbane will assist you in evaluating your current career needs and identify the barriers and opportunities in your career path. They will also create a strategic career plan that will help you secure employment.

Your Career Coach and Career Counsellor will help you in career planning, Resume writing, job interview training and will help you get your dream job.

Investing in a good Career Coach has many benefits such as building confidence, creating a strong job application, and mock interview training.

Career Coaching can also benefit you if you have been struggling to get a job on your own. Career Coaching and Counselling gives you a competitive edge against hundreds of other candidates and can fast-track you to a job offer.

Here are the top 10 benefits of Career Coaching in Australia:

1) Work one-on-one with your Career Coach who will identify the barriers in your career and help you design the best strategies to overcome them.
2) Get a strategic career coaching plan which provides a road-map on how best you can achieve your dream job.
3) Receive an achievement-focused Resume and Cover Letter that catches employers’ attention.
4) Undertake customised individual and group mock interview training to build confidence at the interview stage.
5) Develop a Networking Strategy, learn how to build industry connections using LinkedIn and access jobs in the hidden job market.
6) Get your dream job faster and launch your career in Brisbane quickly.
7) Get specialist career coaching advice and mentoring from your dedicated Career Coach whose main goal is to get you a job quickly.
8) Reduce the time spent on job searching i.e. 6 months and get hired within 12 weeks of Career Coaching.
9) Boost your salary by securing more senior roles faster.
10) Learn life-long job search strategies that can be applied over a 30 year career.

The sooner you start working with a Career Coach & Career Counsellor, the better! Put simply, it means you can start working and earning sooner!

Career Coaching services in Brisbane are for anyone who needs professional help getting a job quickly. For students, Career Coaching can help build self-awareness of your talents, interests and career passion. Ultimately, Career Coaching & Counselling will help you choose the right career path.

For graduates, Career Coaching and Career Counselling gives you the essential careers, employment skills and tools that you need to get hired. Your Career Coach and Careers Counsellor will guide you to your first graduate level job.

For more experienced professionals who need help getting a job, Career Coaching will help you overcome the barriers and road-blocks in your career and help you get into the job you want. Career Coaching and Career Counselling can help you plan your next career move, and most of all, give you the support required to achieve your short, medium and long-term career goals.

Your Career Coach can also help you change industries and build a new career of your choice. In addition, a Career Coach can help you if you have been laid off, made redundant or if you are looking for a career change.

The sooner you get a Career Coach & Career Counsellor, the sooner you can start developing your strategy to secure employment in Australia.

Career Coaching costs and fees will depend on your career goals and ambitions. The cost of Career Coaching can vary from one service provider to the next. Career Success Australia offer short, medium and long-term Career Coaching programs that vary in price.

Career coaching is an investment in your career and life, and the fees can range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars for one-on-one mentoring, guidance and counselling. Investing in a good Career Coaching program in Brisbane can help you get a job faster.

The average monthly salary in Australia is $6,000. If you invest in a Career Coach and land a job 3 months sooner than on your own, you could be earning much more – faster. So it really is a smarter investment than simply applying for 100 jobs a week without a response.

Career Coaching is like any other professional service in Brisbane. The fees you pay for a good Career Coach who helps you secure a job will certainly offset the investment you make as you will be accessing paid employment in Brisbane faster.

The best Career Coaches in Brisbane are those who have a proven track record helping job seekers find jobs and careers in Brisbane.

The best Career Coaching and Counselling teams will have just the right mix of HR, sales or recruitment industry experience in private and public companies in Brisbane. The very best Career Coaching teams in Brisbane will either be from a business, sales, marketing or recruitment background. A good Career Coach will have an intimate knowledge of the hiring process in Brisbane too.

The best Career Coaches in Brisbane know the job market back to front, and have detailed knowledge on how to get a job. Make sure you speak to your Career Coach first, to ensure you are a good match and check that they can help you get a job through their Career Coaching strategies.

Amazing Career Coaches will be able to help you write a high-quality Resume and Cover Letter, optimise your LinkedIn profile, train you for interviews and teach you how to access the hidden job market. Moreover, the very best Career Coaches will be able to refer you to jobs in their network!

At Career Success Australia, we offer all these services in our Career Coaching and Career Counselling programs. Our mission is to help you get the job that you want.

Good Career Coaches and Career Counsellors are hard to find. There are hundreds of Resume writers and Career Counsellors who will guide you on how to get a job, but many fail to apply the ‘science’ of what you need to do to consistently generate job interviews with top companies.

The best place to find a good Career Coach and Career Counsellor is through word of mouth! If you know someone who secured employment through the use of a good Career Coach or Career Counsellor, get a referral. Otherwise, you can look at Career Coaching Google reviews to find the very best Coaches and Counsellors for employment in Australia.

You can access our Career Coaching services right across Australia. We offer Career Coaching services in Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Hobart, Perth, Darwin, Gold Coast & Adelaide.

Our Career Coaching enhancement programs are delivered face-to-face and via Zoom, Skype, phone, and email. You will have weekly Career Coaching & Career Counselling consultations to ensure your Careers Strategy is on track and that we are helping you generate job interviews and ultimately a job offer.

We encourage you to shortlist two or three good Career Coaches. Have a career consultation with them and make sure they can confidently explain the process to get you your next job.

Don't Know Where to Start?