Internship Discount Promotion

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Limited Time Internship Enrolment Discount

Congratulations on taking the next step towards your future career!

Program Recommendation: Internship Program(plus) 

Depending on your career goals and budget, you can choose either the Internship Program or Internship Program(plus). The Internship Program(plus) has helped over 2000+ ambitious students and graduates get their First Dream Job in Australia.

Please complete the form below to complete your enrolment!

discount csa
Enrol by 1 November 2023 to receive a $50 discount off your preparation fees and $50 off your placement fees!

1. The time taken to secure your internship can vary between 1 to 3 months after you successfully complete your preparation. In certain instances, the placement process may take longer due to market conditions and the alignment between your profile and the available internship opportunities. We will endeavour to place you as soon as possible.
2. Your placement is confirmed if both you and the host company agree to proceed. To secure your internship, placement fees (second instalment) are due within 48 hours of notification from CAREER SUCCESS AUSTRALIA. If you do not meet this requirement, you risk losing your Internship offer and will need to wait for the next available opportunity, which could take up to 3 more months.
3. Your internship could range from 2 to 5 days a week (full time/part-time hours) depending on the host company requirements.
4. If you withdraw from the Internship Program at any stage for any reason, any fees paid to CAREER SUCCESS AUSTRALIA are non-refundable and access to resources will no longer be available. CAREER SUCCESS AUSTRALIA may provide partial refunds of up to $200 if you leave your Internship Placement with a host company for a reason deemed legitimate by CAREER SUCCESS AUSTRALIA.
5. If you are dismissed by the host company for breaching company policy, poor performance, poor attitude, non-attendance, or other performance-related reasons, we will not source a new internship for you and no refunds apply.
6. If you are dismissed by the host company and they do not provide CAREER SUCCESS AUSTRALIA with a reason, we will source a new internship for you, which could take 1 to 3 months or longer. No refunds apply.
7. If your Internship placement is terminated or paused temporarily or indefinitely for any reason outside of CAREER SUCCESS AUSTRALIA’S control; for example, the company experiences a downturn, the company can’t supervise you, the project stops, COVID-19 related issues or there is a change in policy or direction regarding your internship, refunds do not apply. Partial refunds and sourcing of a new placement may be provided on a case by case basis at our discretion.
8. The results of the program depend on your actions, responsiveness and commitment. CAREER SUCCESS AUSTRALIA cannot guarantee internships, job interviews or employment as there are many factors out of our control that can impact this.
9. In order to be recommended to host companies, you agree to complete the internship preparation in full. This includes watching the training videos, preparing your Resume draft, completing several rounds of edits, writing answers to our interview questions and spending one hour each day rehearsing your interview answers. If you do not complete the preparation as per our requirements, we cannot recommend you to host companies.
10. In order to be recommended to host companies for interviews, you may be required to:
(a) Provide evidence of IELTS or PTE results (within two years) with a score of 7.0 in speaking and listening; or undertake training to improve your communication skills.
(b) Provide evidence of completing technical training by way of certification from training platforms such as Udemy to demonstrate your technical knowledge and suitability for the Internship.
(c) Provide evidence of permanent residency or work rights.
11. The terms, conditions and program information in this agreement are subject to change at any time. Our program fees often increase throughout the year. To ensure that you secure your program at the agreed-upon fees, please sign and return this document along with the fee payment within 7 days from the date of this agreement, as sent by CAREER SUCCESS AUSTRALIA.
12. You agree and acknowledge that support provided in the Internship Program is remote (email and through the learning management system). Phone and face-to-face support is provided when required.
13. Upon successful completion of your Internship Placement, CAREER SUCCESS AUSTRALIA may request a testimonial and use that testimonial for marketing purposes.

Normally, the time to secure your placement takes between 1-3 months after you complete your internship preparation (new Resume, interview training and LinkedIn profile).

However, COVID-19 is impacting most businesses right across Australia who have implemented policies including:

• Hiring freeze/no recruitment
• Work from home (no staff in office)
• No work experience/industry placements

These changes mean that there are likely to be delays in securing your placement. We are committed to helping you secure your placement as soon as possible, however, due to COVID-19, we are advising all clients of prolonged delays.

We will actively communicate with companies to identify current internship opportunities, as there are companies that are eager to host interns during this period.

What can you do while waiting for placement:

1. Continue working on your internship Resume with our support
2. Practice your interview answers and attend mock interview training
3. Update your LinkedIn profile with advice from your Internship Coach
4. Gain/refresh/update your technical skills by completing online courses on e-learning platforms. Remember, the more technical skills you have, the more attractive you will be to employers seeking interns.

After enrolling, you will receive access to our comprehensive online resources, which are designed to help you prepare for your internship effectively.