New Project 18

I was super impressed with the Career Success Australia team and their efforts in finding me an internship in my field. I ended up securing an amazing IT job in Sydney which has made a huge impact on my plans to move to Australia. From the day I enrolled in the Sydney Internships program, I had the support of the team. Even though I was a little slow in completing all the career preparation work, they kept me motivated. I knew if I applied myself and worked hard I could secure employment in IT. After I went through the interview training, I met a couple of IT host companies for my internship interview stage. The companies were good and I was offered an IT internship soon after. I am so glad I joined the program because it gave my lots of local experience in my specific field of IT. Doing the Sydney Internships program has really set my career up and I am so appreciative of the time and energy the careers team at Career Success Australia spent on my case to support my career. 

Sydney Internships client