Linkedin Profile Writer - Professional LinkedIn Profile Writers in Australia

In today’s digital age, having an optimised LinkedIn profile can help you connect with more employers in your industry than ever before! Our LinkedIn profile experts can help you access the hidden job market today! 

LinkedIn Profile Writing Service Available in:

Sydney | Melbourne | Perth | Brisbane | Adelaide | Darwin | Gold Coast | Canberra | Hobart

LinkedIn Profile Writing Services
LinkedIn Profile Optimisation in Australia

Want More Employers & Recruiters Clicking on Your LinkedIn Profile?

Our Career Coaches can help you write a powerful LinkedIn profile that will enhance your job search strategy. Our one-on-one LinkedIn strategy sessions will improve your LinkedIn profile visibility with recruiters and employers in your industry. 

Our expert Career Consultants have helped over 2000 job seekers access the hidden job market and jobs directly through LinkedIn. 

Our combined passion for helping people secure jobs along with our expertise in HR & Recruitment will help you craft a  stand out LinkedIn profile that gets you more job interviews and job offers.

Our Professional LinkedIn Profile Writing Services Include:

  • One-on-one LinkedIn profile writing coaching sessions from qualified LinkedIn specialists
  • A professional LinkedIn Profile structure approved by 98% of Recruiters
  • An optimised LinkedIn profile to give you 5x more visibility
  • A LinkedIn profile that highlights and summarises your strengths and achievements
  • Hidden job market tactics, optimised connection messages and expertise to find 1000+ Recruiters and Employers
LinkedIn Writing Australia

Why We Are The Best

LinkedIn Profile Writers in Australia!

Our LinkedIn Profile Coaching team have helped 500+ clients get to page 1 of LinkedIn candidate searches for 7+ years

We use proven keyword optimisation strategies to ensure your LinkedIn profile gets seen 5x more than other candidates

Our Career Coaches implement strategies to help attract top Recruiters directly to your LinkedIn profile to get you more job interviews

80% of our clients have secured jobs by directly using our LinkedIn profile writing services

How do we create the Best LinkedIn Profile for you?

LinkedIn Profile Analysis

  • One-on-one Coaching sessions with your professional LinkedIn profile writer
  • Detailed LinkedIn profile analysis
  • Identification of key strengths and areas for improvement
  • LinkedIn Recruiter Assessment to boost profile visibility

LinkedIn Profile Resources

  • Get access to the LinkedIn Career Resources & Counselling hub
  • Watch LinkedIn training videos from Top Australian Recruiters & Career Counsellors
  • Learn the Art of LinkedIn profile Optimisation
  • Access the LinkedIn Hidden Job Market

LinkedIn Profile Template & Draft

  • Get access to dynamic & professional LinkedIn profile templates
  • Brand-new, powerful LinkedIn profile that receives attention 
  • Access Top 10 model LinkedIn profiles for inspiration

LinkedIn Counselling / Coaching

  • One-on-one LinkedIn profile writing sessions with Certified LinkedIn profile writers
  • Optimise your LinkedIn profile with our friendly Career Counsellors & Career Coaches

LinkedIn Profile Perfection

  • Get ongoing support from Top Career Coaching professionals
  • Bonus LinkedIn Connection Message templates
  • Tactics to gain 1,000+ new connections
  • Come up in 10x more Recruiter searches

Get Your Ultimate Job Seeker Toolkit Today

Where Our LinkedIn Services Clients got hired!

LinkedIn Profile Success Stories!

The LinkedIn workshops and training part of the Career Coaching services were amazing. I learnt so much about using LinkedIn connections and how to build up professional networks!

Geraldine Goh

Finance Specialist, Melbourne

nick zhong
I really liked the way Career Success Australia explained how LinkedIn works as a way to get more job interviews. They gave me one-on-one LinkedIn training which has helped me secure more job interviews in my field of Engineering. Thanks, team!

Nick Zhong

Electrical Engineer, Melbourne

LinkedIn training was essential for me to get employment in IT. I was very impressed with how my Career Coaches guided me on LinkedIn profile writing as well as the hidden tips and tricks to find companies and employers in my field. The LinkedIn training was excellent!

Vidya Pai

IT Project Manager, Sydney

Being more of a mature job-seeker, I was not familiar with all the ins and outs of LinkedIn. But Naren and the Career Coaching team made it so easy. I have learnt so much from them about networking and LinkedIn tactics which are so useful for finding new jobs in Australia.

Jason Ashcroft

Database Consultant, Melbourne

Cities We Provide LinkedIn Profile Services

in Australia

Career Success Australia Internships

Struggling to get a job in Australia?

The Ultimate Careers Guide 2024 will help you get your next job fast!

We Create Amazing LinkedIn Profiles For


Business & Commerce LinkedIn Profile Writing:

  • Accounting
  • Finance
  • Business Intelligence
  • Human Resources
  • Marketing

Information Technology LinkedIn Profile Writing:

  • Data Analytics
  • IT Support
  • Networking
  • Software
  • Web Development

Engineering LinkedIn Profile Writing:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering

LinkedIn Profile Writing in Other Industries:

  • Media
  • Design
  • Law
  • Biotechnology
  • Environmental Science
  • General Administration

Meet the LinkedIn Profile Writing

Team of Experts

Naren Chellappah

Program Director

Naren is one of Australia’s most successful Career Coaches, having helped over 1,000 job seekers find jobs. He has held leadership roles at Australia’s top universities including Monash, Swinburne and Melbourne University.


Langdon Rodda

Head Career Coach

Head Career Coach Langdon supports you one-on-one to help you secure employment in your chosen field. Langdon’s Career Coaching, Career Counselling and mentoring support can help you transition into meaningful employment quickly.

Pearl Doronila

Careers Advisor

Pearl is a HR & Recruitment Specialist with 10+ years of experience working with leading companies in end-to-end recruitment. Pearl supports her clients get jobs in a range of industries through personalised Career Coaching and Career Counselling.

Tracy Busse

Career Coach

Tracy is a HR Specialist and Career Mentor who has extensive experience in people and performance management. Tracy provides a nurturing environment and helps her clients one-on-one to achieve their career goals in Australia.

Proven LinkedIn Profile Writing Advice & Career Tips

Everything you need to know about

LinkedIn Profile Services– FAQs

Having a profile on LinkedIn lends you credibility as a potential employee, and also acts as an up-to-date online Resume.

In addition to showcasing your skills and experience, being on LinkedIn helps you stay in touch with companies. You can build your professional networks and communicate directly with people in your field online.

You can also stay informed about news in your industry, as well as the latest developments from companies you may be interested in.

Moreover, LinkedIn has groups you can be part of, which is handy if you’re after relevant tips and tricks.

Your LinkedIn profile has many elements such as your photo, headline statement, ‘About’ section and employment. You can also add certificates and projects!

Your LinkedIn profile is your opportunity to present yourself to tens of thousands of professionals in Australia! Therefore, your LinkedIn profile needs to be professional and attractive. Here’s what you can include:

– Professional profile photo.
– Background image related to your industry.
– Custom headline: Ideally it should include more than just your current job description. Use keywords, skills and achievements to catch the Recruiter’s attention.
– A good summary: This is your ‘About’ section where you can tell your ‘story’. This can include your achievements, key skills, projects and what you can offer to your next employer. Start by introducing yourself i.e. ‘I’m Chris, an experienced Data Analyst with expertise in ….’
– List relevant skills with keywords (bullet points work best).
– Highlight your greatest achievements (professional and perhaps one or two personal!)
– Projects, certification, awards and recommendations.

As well as Seek, Indeed and other job boards, companies and recruiters will often list available jobs on LinkedIn.

This is handy because, while you’re looking at the job description, you can also see a profile of the company itself and its employees. This will give you an idea about the company, its culture, and the type of people who work there.

The best way to find jobs on LinkedIn is to toggle to the ‘Jobs’ section on LinkedIn and then use the search filters to find jobs in your industry, location and with the skills you have!

With over 10 million LinkedIn users in Australia, Linkedin is fast becoming the best way to connect with employers!

As well as potential employers going on LinkedIn and viewing your profile there, it can also help you rank on Google. In this day and age, employers will often do their research on potential employees and clients, and having your LinkedIn profile appear will enhance your visibility.

The popularity of LinkedIn as a recruitment platform means that it’s generally easier to get your LinkedIn page to rank on Google than your own self-made portfolio website.

Most HR Managers, Recruiters and Talent Specialists are using LinkedIn everyday to find candidates, so if you have an outstanding LinkedIn profile, you will be found! This will open up more job opportunities for you!

You should only have one LinkedIn profile. If you have skills across multiple industries, you can combine them into one LinkedIn profile.

When you have more than one LinkedIn profile, it can confuse Recruiters and HR Managers. So, it’s best to have just one comprehensive LinkedIn profile.

Having a strong LinkedIn profile with solid keywords and a clear outline of your achievements can help you get found. You can also update your settings so that you can be seen as ‘Open to work’ so that recruiters can find you!

If you have an optimised LinkedIn profile, you won’t need to do much to get found. Employers search for candidates using criteria such as job title, keywords, skills and location. As long as your profile is complete and up-to-date with your most recent skills, qualifications and experience, you will be found. You will also get notified about new jobs.

As well as networking, LinkedIn is a great platform to share content you have created with your networks. Given the popularity of LinkedIn, the knowledge you share can potentially reach quite a large audience, including potential employers.

Ideally, you should:

– Share content that’s relevant in your industry/profession
– Post original content and write about what you know
– Ask friends to share your posts
– Link content you post to your website or other content
– Post any publications that may have published your work – this includes scientific journals, books, magazines, or websites.

Ideally you want to get over 500 connections! That way, your profile will be seen as 500+, which looks impressive!

As well as adding current and former teammates and colleagues, you can add managers as well as social friends and relatives.

Think about the people you know professionally and personally. You can add people in your social groups, clubs or volunteer groups. You can add mentors and influential people in your field to keep up with their career tips, news and other relevant industry content.

Commenting on their posts will not only get you potentially noticed, but also helps you establish and create rapport with other people in your field by contributing your ideas, thoughts and opinions.

Don't Know Where to Start?