If you want your job application to be highly regarded by prospective employers, you will need an outstanding Resume. The Best Resume Template in Australia in 2024 will help you to demonstrate your skills and experience and ensure that you get called in for an interview.

However, it’s a sad truth that most applications don’t pass the initial stages of the hiring process.

Why do most Resumes get rejected?

This is usually because most Resumes have too many common mistakes and lack essential content that hiring managers want to see.

According to research by Careerbuilder, 24% of hiring managers spend less than 30 seconds reading a Resume.

It’s so easy for recruiters to toss your resume aside if it doesn’t stand out and catch their attention.

So, if you want to be the one to receive a call and make it through to the interview stage, make sure that your Resume is eye-catching in the sea of competing Resumes!

While writing your Resume, there’s a good chance that you are making a few mistakes, but not realising that you are.

To ensure that you deliver an outstanding Resume, keep reading for some important Resume tips and download the Best Resume Template 2024 below!


Is your Resume Keyword-optimised?

The Best Resume Templates in 2024 will always feature keywords from the job advertisement/description. These keywords are short phrases or words that relate directly to the requirements of the job.

Hiring managers and employers love to see keywords when reading your Resume. Since they don’t spend too much time on each resume, it’s important to quickly grab their attention! At a glance, these words show them that you are a good fit for the job.

This is also a great Resume template tip to pass the Applicant Tracking System. The ATS essentially scans each Resume and identifies the relevant keywords for the job. If your resume passes through the ATS, you have a good chance of being called in for an interview!


Quantifiable Achievements – Have you listed them?

If you want the best Resume template that will stand out in 2024, you will need to include your achievements. Instead of just listing your previous responsibilities and day-to-day tasks, list your achievements to separate yourself from the other candidates.

However, it’s not as simple as just saying, “I came up with a new idea and improved company procedures/systems”. Quantify your achievements too!

Use as many figures and numbers (think $ and %) to sell your value to the company. By quantifying your achievements, you are showing the hiring manager a clear and precise representation of your worth and why they should hire you.


Action Verbs – Use Them! 

The last thing you want is to put your reader to sleep with cliches in your Resume!

The best Resume Templates in 2024 will contain action verbs to catch the reader’s attention.

Action verbs are a great way to get noticed by recruiters. These kinds of words convey power and confidence and show that you are the right person for the job. You can weave these action verbs into your skills, work experience and achievements sections.

Here are some excellent action verbs to use in your Resume template:

  • Achieved
  • Initiated/Implemented
  • Launched
  • Guided/Led/Managed
  • Advised
  • Trained
  • Improved
  • Resolved
  • Reconciled
  • Partnered/Collaborated

If you want to read more about using action verbs to create the best resume template, click here.

Best Resume

Profile Statement (top of your Resume)

This is where you map out your value right at the start. Resume Templates in 2024 will start with a Profile Statement. This is the first section on your Resume (below your contact details) which highlights your professional skills, achievements, qualifications and experience.

Here are some great questions to ask yourself before writing your Profile Statement:

  • What are the top three things about myself I should tell a hiring manager?
  • What are my top three career achievements?
  • Which subject matter do I have expertise in?
  • How do my personal traits add value to an organisation?
  • What qualifications and certifications do I have that they want to see?
  • What unique knowledge and skills do I bring to this role?

This is the ideal section to sell yourself and persuade employers of your value for the role!



This may seem like a no-brainer, but you’ll be surprised at how big of an impact the font you use on your Resume can make! To create the best Resume Template, the font you choose is a crucial decision. Whichever one you pick says a lot about you as a person.

Here are the best Resume Template 2024 fonts to choose from:

  • Calibri
  • Arial
  • Arial
  • Narrow
  • Verdana
  • Book
  • Antiqua
  • Cambria

If you need more help about which fonts to use on your Resume, read this article to find out more!

Download Our Best Resume Template 2024 For Free

Ultimately, your Resume is an extremely important tool for your job search. It sets out who you are as a person, what you can do, and what you have accomplished. So, you don’t want to risk messing it up!

Download our free Resume Template 2024 today to get started! Our Resume template will give you the guidance and direction to prepare an amazing Resume to use this year!

The template can be customized to apply for jobs in all industries including Information Technology, Engineering, Business, Finance, and Accounting.

Download Best Resume Template 2024 For Free!

Need help with your Resume? 

Feel free to book a consultation with our Resume Writing Team who can help!